For many, consulting with an attorney after being injured in an accident may be the first time to meet with an attorney ever in their lives. It can be intimidating, but there is no need to be anxious. Your attorney is, after all, on your side. The attorney-client relationship is privileged and something to be respected by both the attorney and the client. You will need to trust your attorney and be comfortable disclosing what can be some rather personal details of your life. This can be necessary for your attorney to be able to act as your strongest advocate and most effectively fight for your best interests. Here, we will review some of the things that your personal injury attorney will need to know.
What Your Personal Injury Attorney Needs to Know
First of all, your attorney will need to know your side of what happened to cause the accident. You should also detail anything you were doing at the time of the accident and anyone you spoke to after the accident. If you talked to anyone from an insurance company about the accident, your attorney will want to know about this as well as receive copies of any correspondence you received from your insurance company or another party’s insurance company regarding the accident.
You will also need to tell your attorney about your injuries. Of course, your attorney will be receiving and reviewing your medical records to get details about your injuries, but it can be important to note your perspective on your injuries, the severity of your symptoms, and how your injuries have impacted your everyday life. Pain and suffering, of course, can be included in your claim for damages resulting from the accident.
Speaking of injuries, any previous injuries you have had or medical conditions that may be brought up by an insurance company should be discussed with your attorney. Insurance companies love to try and use preexisting conditions against personal injury claimants saying that the injuries claimed are not actually new, but preexisting in nature. This is why your attorney needs to have information regarding your medical background.
Your social media use should also be discussed with your attorney. Social media use when you have a personal injury claim pending can jeopardize the outcome of your claim on a number of levels. If you have talked about the accident at all, insurance companies can use this to undermine liability. If you have talked about activities, outings, and trips you have taken since the accident, an insurance company can use these things to say that you must not have really been injured by the accident if life has carried on as normal. The length an insurance company can go to in order to misconstrue social media postings is outstanding and, unfortunately, can be very effective.
New York Personal Injury Attorney
For personal injury representation you can count on, Attorney Michael LoGiudice is here for you. Contact us today.